Presentations and Speaking Engagements
“Unsettling Fairy Creek: Forestry, Eco-Colonialism, and Indigenous Self-Determination in British Columbia,” Martha Sutton Weeks Research Workshop on Property, Territory, and Sovereignty on Indigenous Land, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
“Indigenous Placemaking in Metropolitan Vancouver, BC via Urban Development: 3 Case Studies,” San José State University, San José, CA
“Supportive Policies for Indigenous Clean Energy Projects,” Clean Energy BC’s First Nations Energy Summit, Vancouver, BC. I co-presented on a panel with Sean Brennan, Leona Humchitt, Chief Danielle Shaw, and PhD candidate, Sarah Ozog.
“First Nations Placemaking in Metropolitan Vancouver, BC: three governance models,” presentation co-authored with Dr. Andréanne Doyon, Dr. Laura Tate, and Mr. Jonathan Boron. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
“Decolonizing Decarbonization,” Justice, Ecology, Law, and Place Speaker Series, York University.
“Between Now and Future Sovereignty: Indigenous Forestry in the Conjuncture,” paper co-authored with Dr. Michael Simpson and Dr. Bruce Braun as part of the session: “Mapping Crises and Conjunctures,” Royal Geographical Society Annual International Conference in London, England.
“Turning the Tide: Exploring Marine Decarbonization in Coastal Indigenous Communities in British Columbia” Kelp Kulture Speaker Series, UCLA.
“Reconciliation at the End of a Gun Barrel: Indigenous-State Relations and Resource Extraction in the Twenty-First Century” Militarized Landscapes: An Interdisciplinary Workshop, Boise State University.
“Dialogue on the Nexus of Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainability” panel with Dr. Marianne Ignace, Sustainable Energy Engineering, Simon Fraser University, Surrey.
“Indigenous Leadership in IA: Implementing DRIPA in British Columbia, Canada,” International Association for Impact Assessment, Kuching, Malaysia. Co-authored presentation with Dr. Dawn Hoogeveen.
“Indigenous Peoples and the Energy Transition,” Indigenous Speaker Series, University of Washington.
“Learning from Fairy Creek: Indigenous Self-Determination and the Aporias of Solidarity,” American Association of Geographers annual meeting, Boulder, Colorado. I presented with Bruce Braun and Michael Simpson
“The End of this World” online book launch hosted by the BC Centre for Policy Alternatives . I was a discussant with authors, Dr. Angele Alook, Dr. Emily Eaton, David Gray-Donald, Joël Laforest, Crystal Lameman & Bronwen Tucker.
“Hishuukish Tsawalk (Everything is One): Living Forever Nuu-chah-nulth-aht” (key note speech), Solutions to the Underlying Causes of Biodiversity Loss, COP15, Montreal, QC.
“Comment réduire l’utilisation des ressources pour protéger la biodiversité?” Solutions to the Underlying Causes of Biodiversity Loss, COP15, Montreal, QC. Panel discussion with Laura McKinney (Université Tulane), Emiliano Teran Mantovani (Université Centrale du Venezuela) et Brian Napoletano (Université Nationale Autonome du Mexique), animé par Ugo Lapointe (Coalition Québec meilleure mine).
“Indigenous Perspectives on the Solidarity Economy” Collective Power: Mutual empowerment to build the Solidarity Economy with Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (panel discussion with Dr. Glen Coulthard and Christopher Nichols) hosted by the Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation, Vancouver, BC.
“Climate responses that affirm Indigenous Sovereignty” Community-Engaged Research and the Climate Crisis, hosted by UBC and SFU. Panel discussion with Onyx Sloan-Morgan, Theresa Morris, Summer Trance, and Georgia Lloyd-Smith.
“History matters: What can Indigenous efforts in land and water stewardship teach us about past and current solutions to the climate crisis?” THE University Impact Forum: Reconciliation, resilience, regeneration, virtual gathering organized by Times Higher Education and Simon Fraser University.
Extractive Bargains at Different Scales: Experts’ Closing Roundatable, Extractive Bargains Workshop, University of Northern British Columbia.
“Accomplice, Ally, or Appropriator?: Exploring Boundaries of Indigenous Scholarship,” Indigenous Studies Discussion Group, Cambridge University, UK.
“The Unbounded Classroom: A Symposium on Teaching, Learning, and Research for Democratic Participation,” Simon Fraser University.
Book launch panel: “Regime of Obstruction: How Corporate Power Blocks Energy Democracy,” Society for Socialist Studies, online.
“We Will Soon Achieve Indigenization: Indigenizing the Academy in the Time of Trump 'Rona,” Society for Socialist Studies, online.
“The role of imperialism, colonialism, land grabs in fossil capital development: past & present,” Corporate Mapping Project Summer Institute.
“Carbon commodity chains and flashpoints,” Corporate Mapping Project Summer Institute.
“Indigenous Futurisms and the Anthropocene,” panel with Dr. Grace Dillon, Candis Callison, and Dr. June Scudeler, SFU School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Vancouver, BC.
“Olivia Whetung in Conversation with Clifford Atleo and Nicole Preissl on art, food sovereignty, and environmental sustainability,” Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver, BC.
“To Catch a Falling Sky: a conversation series exploring challenges and solutions for water, energy and food resources,” Pacific Water Research Centre, Vancouver, BC.
“The Psychology of Change: Achieving a Transformation of the Global Food System,” SFU Colloquium, Vancouver, BC
“Indigenous Scholarship Panel,” Society for Socialist Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
"Economic Resurgence in Indigenous Communities," The Great Transition, Montreal, QC
"Navigating Capitalism and the Resurgence of Traditional Nuu-chah-nulth Governance," Native American and Indigenous Studies, Vancouver, BC.
"Solidarity and Climate Justice round table with Harsha Walia," Western Political Science Association (Environmental Political Theory Working Group), Vancouver, BC.
"Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence in the Face of Big Carbon," Corporate Mapping Project (Summer Institute), Victoria, BC
"Decolonizing Philosophy," Canadian Philosophical Association, Calgary, BC.
"A World to Win book launch," Society for Socialist Studies, Calgary, BC.
"Nuu-chah-nulth Food Sovereignty: Reconnecting, Revitalizing & Innovating," Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, Washington, DC
"Research in Indigenous Communities: My Nuu-chah-nulth Experience," Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums, Palm Springs, CA.
"Aboriginal Capitalism and Alternatively Living Nuu-chah-nulth-aht," Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, Austin, TX.
"'Going Back' to the Land and Living Nuu-chah-nulth-aht," Native Organization of Indigenous Scholars, Seattle, WA.
"Alternative Indigenous Economic Practices," Idea Fest, Victoria, BC.
"Not Just Beads and Trinkets: The Cultural Implications of Aboriginal Economic Development," UBC 8th Annual Indigenous Graduate Symposium, Vancouver, BC.
"Environment and Jobs" (key-note address) and "Alternative Models, Concrete Practices," Redistribution of Wealth: Economic and Environmental Justice from Indigenous and Faith Perspectives, Vancouver, BC.
"A Closer Look at the Nation Building Model" (co-presentation with Jeff Corntassel), Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, Minneapolis, MN.
"Aboriginal Economic Development and Indigenous Community Resurgence," Canadian Law and Society Association, Ottawa, ON.
"An Indigenous Critique of Aboriginal Economic Development or How I Learned to Stop Worrying About the Global Economic Crisis and Love Being Indigenous," Celebrating Indigenous Scholarship, Victoria, BC.
"An Indigenous Critique of Aboriginal Economic Development," Remaking the Economy in the Peoples' Eyes, Victoria, BC.
"An Indigenous Critique of Aboriginal Economic Development," UBC 7th Annual Indigenous Graduate Symposium, Vancouver, BC.
"Nuu-chah-nulth Community Resurgence in an Era of Neoliberalism" (co-presentation with Ruth Ogilvie), Vine Deloria, Jr. Symposium, Lummi, WA.